Ce se intampla cand il confunzi pe Samuel L. Jackson
In timpul unei emisiuni de stiri, un prezentator trebuia sa-i ia un interviu lui Samuel L. Jackson in legatura cu noul film in care apare, Robocop. Din pacate pentru Rubin (prezentatorul), Samuel nu a fost DELOCC amuzat cand prezentatorul l-a confundat cu Laurence Fishburne care tocmai aparuse intr-o reclama la Superbowl. Cat de suparat a fost? Take a look:
Rubin a incercat sa-si ceara scuze in toate modurile posibile (chiar s-a plesnit in direct) dar asta nu l-a calmat deloc pe Samuel L. Jackson. “We don’t all look alike!”
“I’m not Laurence Fishburne,” a spus Jackson. “We don’t all look alike! We may be black and famous, but we don’t all look alike!”
Rubin: “Let’s talk about Robocop.”
Jackson: “Oh, hell no! Really? Really?”
“There’s more than one black guy doing commercials. I’m the ‘What’s in your wallet?’ black guy,” Jackson said, referring to his Capital One commercials. “He’s the car black guy — Morgan Freeman is the other credit card black guy. You only hear his voice though, so you probably won’t confuse him with Laurence Fishburne.”
“I’ve actually never done a McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial. I know that’s surprising.”