WAHA Festival 2014
Cea de-a treia editie a Waha Festival va avea loc in perioada 7-10 august 2014, in zona Brasovului. Locatia exacta va fi anuntata cu o saptamana inainte de eveniment.
FIRE STAGE (Psy Stage – powered by FunktionOne / Want Sound?)
Airi (2to6 / Interaural / Switzerland) *live*
Aodioiboa (littleBIGsensations / Germany) *live*
Azzmatazz (Vantara Vichitra / Portugal) *live*
Barbaleku (Antiscarp / Romania)
Darkology (MFG Tribe / Romania)
Dsompa (Peak / Germany)
Fractaliceanu (Romania)
GnOhm (Medulla Oblongata / Sonic Chakras / Biijah / Denmark) *live*
Goch (Medulla Oblongata / Sonic Chakras / Macedonia) *live*
Kya (littleBIGsensations / Germany) *live*
Latam (Thrancians / Romania)
Loopus In Fabula (Fabula Recs / Italy) *live*
Lygos (Transylvaliens / Romania)
Mano (Samsara Crew/ Romania)
Oxya ( (Nightbase Music/ Greece) *live*
Pura (Serbia)
Psymania (Serbia)
Roua (Romania)
Special Blend (Antiscarp / Greece) *live*
Stigma (Greece) *live*
Subhuman (MFG Tribe/Romania)
Transhumantza (Romania)
Tudor (Rebirth / Romania)
Yara (Lycantrop / Venezuela) *live*
AIR STAGE (Deep techno and deep house – powered by Clear Sound / Sleepnot! Soundsystem)
Audiotheque (Romania)
Blooni (Romania)
Brad (Romania)
Brutus (Romania)
Charlie (Romania)
Crihan (Naural / Romania)
Dan Andrei (arpiar / Romania)
Dubtil (Mtrz / Romania)
Emi (Contur / Romania)
Julian (Romania)
Kozo (Understand / Romania)
Marius Iorga (Romania)
Miss I (Misbits / Romania)
Paul Agripa (Romania)
Priku (Motif / Romania)
Tulbure (TC Studio / Romania)
Vivi St. (Inhere / Romania)
Vlad Caia (Amphia / Romania)
Vygo & Aleka (Romania)
WATER STAGE (House Stage – powered by QSC / Lucky23 Soundsystem):
Alkalina (Romania)
Dreamdoctor (Romania)
Karpov Not Kasparov (Romania)
Kosta (AWD House / Romania)
Matze (Romania)
Mickey Meltdown (Spiral Tribe / UK)
Rodion GA (Romania)
Rolf (Lucky 23 Soundsystem/Romania)
Tone Tavi (Mental Hackerz/Romania)
Tribal House Collective (Romania)
The Fan (Germany)
DJ Vasile (Romania)
EARTH STAGE (Dub/Reggae Stage – Genmaica Soundsystem)
Indjstione (Romania)
Eujah (Romania)
ChuTheJhu (Romania)
Zekarjah (Romania)
Sistah RastahFairy (Romania)
Aether – Chill Stage – “The Chill-out space takes form of a relaxation spot with tea, warm music and jam sessions.”
Pret bilet:
30 de euro – primele 100 de bilete
40 de euro – urmatoarele 100 de bilete
55 de euro – la intrare