Cum sa cuceresti o femeie pe Facebook

Un tanar american de 23 de ani s-a gandit la o metoda ingenioasa de a “cuceri” femei pe Facebook. Iata “opera de arta”:
1. Si-a petrecut un week-end, cel mult 6 ore in total, pentru a face cateva profiluri false de femei (a cautat poze frumoase, a adaugat cativa prieteni, a facut profilurile private pentru ca nimeni sa nu le poata verifica in amanunt)
2. Respectivele femei frumoase au inceput sa comenteze la pozele de pe profilul lui si sa se certe pentru el
3. Prietenii si prietenele lui au observat aceste certuri si au inceput sa se bage in seama. Daca inainte primea trei-patru likeuri la pozele pe care le punea, acum primea cate 20-30 de like-uri
4. Cateva foste colege de liceu, care inainte nici macar nu stiau de existenta lui (sau nu le pasa), s-au bagat in seama cu el si l-au invitat in oras
5. A “rezolvat” una din ele, se pregateste pentru a doua

Interesant, nu-i asa? Bate oricand viata unui cuceritor de pe Facebook. Ce inseamna sa ai o minte bolnava si ceva timp liber la dispozitie…

BRB make fake girl accounts
BRB find HBB pics, alter them and upload to my fake accounts
BRB make the fake HBB pink knight my pictures and e-fights between them over me
BRB got women from highschool hitting me up now for meet ups srs.
BRB fuked a girl from highschool who didn’t know I existed.
BRB sloots that ignored me before are now sending me sweet nothings on my status and in PMs
BRB have a few dude fake books to put in good words for me too
BRB no one knows who they are, but they (all my fake fb’s) know me as “A friend from a vacation home where my aunt lives”
BRB the fake dudes say chit like “wow kinda jealous how good looking you are brah” or “Dayum show us your abs already (nohomo)” or “dayum looking good son”
BRB sloots have no clue that I’m average looking but will assume I’m a 9/10 model cus I created false e-status
BRB a sloot messaged me “I bet you have all the ladies fighting over you lol XD”, I’m like “none of them matter but you beautiful ”
BRB hooking up with another highschool sloot on the 30th. Feelsgoodman

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Was actually painfully close to hooking up with this sloot last year. Looks like it might be a reality soon brahs. Think she might be down to be FWB.

brb I got more sloots messaging me, but most of the good looking ones are looking for a relationship (i.e let me take all your status and I will maybe give you pussy, fuk thwat ) and the other ones are whales/4/10s. I’m not picky, but I gotta be careful with who I sleep from facebook with it could damage my growing empire.

BTW i asked her for noods and she sent her pasty ass lol. Tell me if this is too much mods, and I’ll take it down

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Sursa: aici.

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