film psihologic Archive

Labours of Hercules (2014)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003), After The Funeral (2006), Third Girl (2008), Hallowe’en Party (2011),

Mrs McGinty’s Dead (2008)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003), After The Funeral (2006), Third Girl (2008), Hallowe’en Party (2011),

Murder in Mesopotamia (2001)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003), After The Funeral (2006), Third Girl (2008), Hallowe’en Party (2011),

The Hollow (2004)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003), After The Funeral (2006), Third Girl (2008), Hallowe’en Party (2011)

Cards on the Table (2005)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003), After The Funeral (2006), Third Girl (2008) sau Hallowe’en Party

Hallowe’en Party (2011)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003), After The Funeral (2006) sau Third Girl (2008), in ultima

Third Girl (2008)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003), Sad Cypress (2003) sau After The Funeral (2006), in ultima vreme am inceput

After the Funeral (2006)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003), Five Little Pigs (2003) sau Sad Cypress (2003), in ultima vreme am inceput sa fiu foarte interesat

Sad Cypress (2003)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000), Evil Under The Sun (2003) si Five Little Pigs (2003), in ultima vreme am inceput sa fiu foarte interesat de ecranizarile operelor

Five Little Pigs (2003)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992), Lord Edgware Dies (2000) si Evil Under The Sun (2003), in ultima vreme am inceput sa fiu foarte interesat de ecranizarile operelor lui Agatha Christie. In

Evil Under the Sun (2003)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992), Death in the Clouds (1992) si Lord Edgware Dies (2000), in ultima vreme am inceput sa fiu foarte interesat de ecranizarile operelor lui Agatha Christie. In caz ca nu ati auzit

Lord Edgware Dies (2000)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), The ABC Murders (1992) si Death in the Clouds (1992), in ultima vreme am inceput sa fiu foarte interesat de ecranizarile operelor lui Agatha Christie. In caz ca nu ati auzit de ea, Agatha a

The ABC Murders (1992)

Dupa cum v-am spus si in articolele despre Murder on the Orient Express (1974) si Agatha Christie: Poirot (1989 – 2013), in ultima vreme am inceput sa fiu foarte interesat de ecranizarile operelor lui Agatha Christie. In caz ca nu ati auzit de ea, Agatha a fost o scriitoare engleza de romane, povestiri scurte si